Jason Response
Education Assistant

Jonquil Von
Teaching Assistant

Piff Jenkins

Brian Cumin
Team Leader

Hanson Deck
Education Assistant

Alan Fresco

Ln. P. Ummar Khan
- M.Sc(Psy)., MBA., M.Com., M.Ed., P.G. Dip.in Spl Ed (HI),
- P.G. Dip in Teaching Eng., Lang, P.G. in P.M.I.R.
- Founder – Chairman
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Dr. D Arumugam
- M.Sc., M.Ed.Spl. Ed., Ph.D
- Principal Cum Proffesor
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Ln. P. Ummar Khan
- M.Sc(Psy)., MBA., M.Com., M.Ed., P.G. Dip.in Spl Ed (HI),
- P.G. Dip in Teaching Eng., Lang, P.G. in P.M.I.R.
- Founder – Chairman
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Dr. D Arumugam
- M.Sc., M.Ed.Spl. Ed., Ph.D
- Principal
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Dr. D.Arumugam
Principal & Professor (B.Ed)
M.Sc., Bharathiar University,
B.Ed(Biology) University of Madras,
M.Ed Spl.Edn(HI) IGNOU,
PGPD(MR) Bhoj University,
Ph.D. (KRU),
RCI – CRR. No: A06012
Professional Experience: 28 years
Email: [email protected]
Work Experience: 28 years of teaching and administrative experience in the field of disability rehabilitation.
Courses started under his leadership: B.Ed. special education (Hearing Impairment) MASLP, M.Sc. (Audiology) and M.Sc. (SLP) affiliation with O.U, Hydrerabad. MBA affiliation with DDE, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. Advanced Certificate Course in Inclusive Education (Cross Disability).
Program conducted: Orientation programme and course coordinators meet conducted at Hyderabad on October 9 and 10, 2014, organised by HKIRRDC and RCI, New Delhi.
Resource Person: Lecture delivered on “Gender Critique of Legislation, Government Policies, and Schemes on February 13, 2020 at AYJNISHD, SRC, Secunderabad Delivered a talk on the topic “Counselling parents towards education options available to children with disabilities” on March 29, 2019 at AYJNISHD, Secunderabad.
Participation: Course Coordinators Meet of Southern Zone, RCI, held on March 27th and 28th, 2023, at Chennai. Participated in the 3rd BMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, held in Hyderabad on the 1st and 2nd of February 2020.
Paper Publications: Presented a paper on “Enhancing quality of education of students with hearing impairment – needs and practices” on 30.01.2019 at NCED conference – 2019, Chennai. Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study of Mental Health of Primary School Teachers in Relation to Their Gender, Locality of Living and Teaching Experience. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org, January 2019,Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019, 760-767. (ISSN-2349-5162) Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study on Emotional Maturity of Secondary School Students in Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts of Telangana, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org, October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, 91-97. (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) 8 Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study of Mental Health and Emotional Maturity of Graduate Students in the context of Certain Demographic Variables. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org, December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, 957-965. (ISSN: 2320-2882)
Ph.D. Dissertation topic: A study of mental health of college students in relation to their emotional maturity. (Registration No.1411MP101002), Krishna University, A.P. India. AWARD/APPRECIATION: The Best Teacher Award was given by the International Association of Lions Clubs, District 320A, on September 8, 2018 in Hyderabad. HKIRRDC and Helen Keller Regional Association of the Disabled, Hyderabad, honoured 10 years of service rendered in the field of special education in Andhra Pradesh on June 27, 2005, at Hyderabad. Member in professional body: Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi (CRR No. A06012). Member, Inspection Committee, RCI. National Convention of Educators of the Deaf (NCED), India. Member, Board of Studies (special education), Osmania University, Hyderabad. Member, International Association of Lions Clubs, District- 320A, India.

Dr. Sreevidya Sherla,
Professor Head, Dept. Of ASLP
B.Sc. (SLH) from Manipal Academy.
M.Sc. (ASLP) from Speaker (OU)
P.G.D.AL from (OU)
Ph.D. (AU)
RCI – CRR. No: A05438
ISHA- L 11060935
Professional Experience: 20 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
To her credit expertise and capability, there are numerous publications (15), Oral &Poster presentations at national & International conferences (51), best paper awards (05) at conferences and as a resource person (12). Her special focus is in the area of new born hearing screening and auditory rehabilitation.
She has an excellent track record in academic institutions and is actively engaged in teaching, research (Dissertations – 49, Projects: NPPCD coordinator, ESI Project In charge), delivering lectures, administration. Apart from these she provides leadership and guidance to faculty members, facilitates collaboration with other departments and institutions, and ensures that the department meets its educational and research goals. She has been serving Audiology and Speech Language pathology profession since 20 years.

(Dr.) Susan.G.Oommen
Professor HOD- Dept of SLP
MASLP & BASLP from Mangalore University
Ph.D (SLP)-pursuing from AIISH, Mysore
RCI CRR No: A24577
Position: HOD- Dept of SLP
Professional Experience: 13 years
Email: [email protected]
Mrs Susan has mentored and guided postgraduate, undergraduate and diploma level students in academics, research and clinics. Her core areas of interest include childhood & adult language disorders, neurocognition of language and Bi/Multilingualism in Indian context.
She has several paper/poster presentations in conferences and received 9 best paper/poster awards. She has some publications to her credit. She has been resource person for CRE, workshops and webinars. She has worked extensively in improving the Quality of Life of children and adults with communication disorders. She has conducted public awareness and parent training programs. She is an active member of national professional bodies ISHA, TASLPA, TISHA.

Dr. Patan Sameena Khan
Associate Professo / Clinical Audiology
MBBS from Wuhan University, China
BASLP (HK Institute), Osmania University
M.Sc Audiology (HK Institute), Osmania University
RCI – CRR. No: A61506
Professional Experience: 3Yrs
Email: [email protected]
After persuing medicine, she wanted to study deep in Audiological Medicine, but that course is not available in India. Therefore, she has opted speech & hearing fraternity to work more in the field of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology to innovate new ideas therapeutically and intervention strategies, in order to help the people with Speech & Hearing Impairment in the state of Telangana. Then she studied BASLP and M.Sc.(Audiology) at Helen Keller’s Institute, Secunderabad and became qualified to work in the field of Speech and Hearing.
Presently she is teaching Anatomy, Physiology, Neurologic, and Audiology subjects and taking care of Clinical Services

Mr. B. Lenin Babu
Associate Professor Vice Principal Dept of ASLP
B.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University
M.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University
RCI – CRR.No: A31906
ISHA- L11081679
Professional Experience: 12 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Bandla Lenin Babu plays dual role in our institute who is unique and commanding. As a vice principal, he handles administrative duties such as managing staff, overseeing disciplinary actions, and ensuring the smooth operation of the institute. He is specialized inassessment and treatment of hearing and balance disorders.
Meanwhile, as an associate professor in the Audiology department, he is involved inteaching graduate & post graduate students, conducting research (Dissertations-14, as a Resource Person -07,Publications-06, Paper Presentations at conferences- 21)and mentoring students. He is serving the field of ASLP in the past 12 years.

Mohd. Abdul Razzaq
Associate Professor / Chief Audiologist- Dept of Audiology
B.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University.
M.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University.
PG.D in Applied Linguistic from Osmania University.
RCI – CRR. No: A49849
Professional Experience: 10 Yrs
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Mohd Abdul Razzaq, He is an Academic Scholar holds a significant position in audiology department. His responsibilities include overseeing the clinical operations, providing advanced diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology services, training and mentoring junior audiologists, Interns & Students, staying updated on the latest research and advancements in audiology, and perhaps even contributing to program development (Community Based Rehabilitation Program, Internship). He has an excellent track record in academics – Teaching, Administration. His expertise and experience are crucial for ensuring the highest quality of care for patients with hearing and balance disorders. He is serving the field of ASLP since 10 years.
Dissertations: 18.
Paper Presentations at conferences: 10.
Resource Person: 12.
Publications: 06

Mrs. Alekya
Associate Professor Department of ASLP
B.Sc. (ASLP) from Sweekaar Academy (OU).
M.Sc. (ASLP) from Sweekaar Academy (OU)
RCI – CRR. No: A58719
ISHA – L21123992
Professional Experience: 13Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Alekya. N working as an Associate Professor in Department of ASLP at Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the disabled children. She is specialized in assessment and treatment of hearing and balance disorders, likes to conduct research (Dissertations – 18), supervise graduate students in research projects and clinical. Additionally, she is involved in community outreach and advocacy efforts related to hearing health. There are numerous publications (05) & presentations (24) & as a resources person (06). She has an excellent track record in academic institutions and is actively engaged in teaching, administration and service to Audiology and Speech Language pathology profession since 13 years.

Mrs. Rini Skaria
Assistant Professor in Speech Language Pathology
M.Sc. (SLP)from AIISH
OPT Level 2 Certified
NLA Trained
Avaz Certified
Professional Experience: 7 years
RCI CRR No: A39163
Email id: [email protected]
She has previously worked as a research officer in AIISH and conducted research in lexical processing among type 2 diabetes individuals and was part of professional voice care unit. She alsohas served as resource person for the lecture on “Early Identification of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” in two days online CRE program importance of early identification for children with speech and hearing developmental disabilities on 22nd&23rd November 2021. She has a phenomenal teaching experience and has received lions club best teacher award for year 2023 and has been involved in research publications and has received Best poster award during 3rd TASLPACON 2022 (26TH & 27TH March, 2022) on poster titled “feeding and swallowing issues among children with autism spectrum- a parental reported outcomes. She has been actively involved in conducting awareness programs.
Clinically, she has in-depth knowledge of different speech, language, and communication disorders and the know-how of providing speech and language assessment and therapy services to both pediatric and geriatric patients. She has been involved in conducting group therapies and parent training programs. She has equipped herself by updating her knowledge and passing certifications which are evidenced based and to facilitate the best possible services for individuals with communication difficulties. She has been certified as level 2 opt therapist and also has certified as natural language acquisition and Avaz certified therapist. Her special areas of interest are dealing with individuals with autism, fluency and motor speech disorders.

Mrs. Masuda Begum
Assistant Professor / Clinical Supr Dept of ASLP
B.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University.
M.Sc. (ASLP) from Osmania University.
PG.D in Applied Linguistic from Osmania University.
RCI – CRR. No: A50111
Professional Experience: 10 Yrs
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Mashood Ul Kubra working as an Associate Professor in Department of ASLP at Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the disabled children. She is specialized in assessment and treatment of Speech & Hearing Disorders in Children and Adults, likes to conduct research (Dissertations – 06), supervise graduate students in research projects and clinical. Additionally, she is involved in community outreach and advocacy efforts related to hearing health. She has an excellent track record in academic institutions and is actively engaged in teaching, administration and service to Audiology and Speech Language pathology profession since 10 years.
Dissertations: 02.
Paper Presentations at conferences: 02.
Resource Person: 02.

Mrs. Mariya
M.Sc (Audiology) Clinical supervisor (Audiology)
M.Sc. (SLP)from AIISH
OPT Level 2 Certified
NLA Trained
Avaz Certified
Professional Experience: 7 years
RCI CRR No: A39163
Email id: [email protected]
She has previously worked as a research officer in AIISH and conducted research in lexical processing among type 2 diabetes individuals and was part of professional voice care unit. She alsohas served as resource person for the lecture on “Early Identification of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Neurodevelopmental Disorders” in two days online CRE program importance of early identification for children with speech and hearing developmental disabilities on 22nd&23rd November 2021. She has a phenomenal teaching experience and has received lions club best teacher award for year 2023 and has been involved in research publications and has received Best poster award during 3rd TASLPACON 2022 (26TH & 27TH March, 2022) on poster titled “feeding and swallowing issues among children with autism spectrum- a parental reported outcomes. She has been actively involved in conducting awareness programs.

Ms. Arpita Kandarpa
Clinical Supervisor
B.Sc. (ASLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
M.Sc. (SLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
RCI – CRR.No: A71915
ISHA- L23084555
Professional Experience: 1.5 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Arpita Kandarpa is working as a Clinical Supervisor in Department of ASLP at Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the disabled children. She is specialized inassessment and treatment of speech and language disorders, likes to conduct research (Paper Presentation; Oral – 1 & Poster – 4& Pitch Presentation – 2), supervise graduate and post-graduate students in research projectsand clinics. Additionally, she is involved in community outreach and advocacy efforts related to speech therapy services in schools, primary health centres. She has anexcellent track record in academic institution; she is a gold medallist from Osmania Universityduring her undergraduate and postgraduate. She is actively engaged in teaching, administration and service to Audiology and Speech Language pathology profession since 1.5 years.

Ms. Martha
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Speech Pathology
B.Sc. (ASLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
M.Sc. (SLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
M.SLP Speech Language Pathology from HKIRRC (OU)
M.Sc Psychology from BRAOU
RCI (CRR. No): A98175
RCI – CRR.No: A71915
ISHA- L23084555
Professional Experience: 1.5 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Martha is a distinguished Assistant Professor, she has a diverse and extensive background in speech pathology and psychology.
She is a certified learning disability specialist from St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam, and a certified Oral Placement Therapist, having completed both Level 1 and Level 2 certifications from Talk Tools, approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Her expertise extends to Natural Language Acquisition and Gestalt Language Development, for which she has received professional training certifications.
Moreover, she is a certified Applied Behavioral Analytical Therapist, approved by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the United Arab Emirates, and a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) practitioner from the International Guild Certification in CBT (IGCBT). She has specialized training in Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, and Cochlear Implant Technology from AYJNISHD, Mumbai.
With significant experience in treating children with autism, she brings a unique and innovative approach to her teaching methodology. Her dedication to her students and her field is evident in her multifaceted qualifications and her commitment to providing exceptional education and care. She is known for her ability to integrate her extensive knowledge and skills into her lectures, making her an invaluable asset to the institution and a beloved lecturer among her students.

Mrs. Mareeswari. M
Assistant Professorof SLP
DSTA. (ST) from Manonmaniam university Tamilnadu
- B.sc. (ASLP) from Holy Cross College Tamilnadu
- M.sc. (SLP) from Hellen Kellers Institute (OU)
- M.sc. (Psychology) from Dr. Ambedkar University
RCI – CRR.NO: A49909
Professional Experience: 7 years
Email: [email protected]
- To her experienced Speech Therapist with 8+ years of experience providing speech and language therapy to children and adult, in both clinic and college settings.
- She received best speech therapist award in 2022.
- She wasserved as Speech Pathologist in a multi – disciplinary team to provide speech language therapy services to pediatric patients. And developed individualized treatment plans and goals to help children develop effective communication skills.
- Her special focus in the area of diagnosing and treating the types of autism children and different disorders.
- She has well experienced in psychological counselling and parental counselling.
- She is fascinate in teaching and maintain the documentation work
- Also, working as incharge of Early Intervention Center.

Dr. D.Arumugam
Principal (Professor)
M.Sc., Bharathiar University,
B.Ed(Biology) University of Madras,
M.Ed Spl.Edn(HI) IGNOU,
PGPD(MR) Bhoj University,
Ph.D. (KRU),
RCI – CRR. No: A06012
Professional Experience: 28 years
Email: [email protected]
Work Experience: 28 years of teaching and administrative experience in the field of disability rehabilitation.
Courses started under his leadership: B.Ed. special education (Hearing Impairment) MASLP, M.Sc. (Audiology) and M.Sc. (SLP) affiliation with O.U, Hydrerabad. MBA affiliation with DDE, Pondicherry University, Puducherry. Advanced Certificate Course in Inclusive Education (Cross Disability).
Program conducted: Orientation programme and course coordinators meet conducted at Hyderabad on October 9 and 10, 2014, organised by HKIRRDC and RCI, New Delhi.
Resource Person: Lecture delivered on “Gender Critique of Legislation, Government Policies, and Schemes on February 13, 2020 at AYJNISHD, SRC, Secunderabad Delivered a talk on the topic “Counselling parents towards education options available to children with disabilities” on March 29, 2019 at AYJNISHD, Secunderabad.
Participation: Course Coordinators Meet of Southern Zone, RCI, held on March 27th and 28th, 2023, at Chennai. Participated in the 3rd BMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, held in Hyderabad on the 1st and 2nd of February 2020.
Paper Publications: Presented a paper on “Enhancing quality of education of students with hearing impairment – needs and practices” on 30.01.2019 at NCED conference – 2019, Chennai. Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study of Mental Health of Primary School Teachers in Relation to Their Gender, Locality of Living and Teaching Experience. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org, January 2019,Volume 6, Issue 1, 2019, 760-767. (ISSN-2349-5162) Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study on Emotional Maturity of Secondary School Students in Hyderabad and Rangareddy Districts of Telangana, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org, October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, 91-97. (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) 8 Arumugam, D. and Neelima, M.; A Study of Mental Health and Emotional Maturity of Graduate Students in the context of Certain Demographic Variables. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org, December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2018, 957-965. (ISSN: 2320-2882)
Ph.D. Dissertation topic: A study of mental health of college students in relation to their emotional maturity. (Registration No.1411MP101002), Krishna University, A.P. India. AWARD/APPRECIATION: The Best Teacher Award was given by the International Association of Lions Clubs, District 320A, on September 8, 2018 in Hyderabad. HKIRRDC and Helen Keller Regional Association of the Disabled, Hyderabad, honoured 10 years of service rendered in the field of special education in Andhra Pradesh on June 27, 2005, at Hyderabad. Member in professional body: Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi (CRR No. A06012). Member, Inspection Committee, RCI. National Convention of Educators of the Deaf (NCED), India. Member, Board of Studies (special education), Osmania University, Hyderabad. Member, International Association of Lions Clubs, District- 320A, India.

(Dr.) M. Shashidhar Reddy
Principal- College of Special Education
M.Ed Spl Edn(HI)
B.Ed Spl Edn.(HI).
M.A English Literature
P.G.P.D (Mental Retardation)
(Ph.D). (CPU)
RCI – CRR. No: A13195
Professional Experience: 20 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Shasidhar has dedicated a decade to the thorough instruction and mentoring of aspiring educators. His expertise particularly shines in the realm of special education, where he possesses a wealth of experience. He has demonstrated remarkable proficiency in catering to children with disabilities, nurturing them through their educational journey from the foundational school level.
Notably, Mr. Shasidhar has left an indelible mark as a co-author for the Special Education textbooks at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. Additionally, his scholarly contributions extend to paper publications focused on Learning Disabilities. His insightful article, “Movies as Mirrors of Politics,” is available for purchase on Amazon, showcasing his multifaceted talents.
Having ventured to the United States, Mr. Shasidhar further enriched his expertise as a Special Educator, immersing himself in diverse cultural contexts. Under his adept guidance, approximately 300 trainee teachers were nurtured to fruition, securing placements across various private corporations and governmental sectors. Some have even forged their own paths as self-employed professionals within the specialized field of education.
Mr. Shasidhar’s dedication and impact reverberate through the lives he has touched, shaping the landscape of special education through his unwavering commitment and profound insights.

Mrs. Shylaja
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Special Education (HI)
M.Ed Spl. Edn. (HI) (OU)
B.Ed Spl. Edn. (HI) (OU)
M.A (PPM) (OU)
LLB from Osmania University (OU)
RCI (CRR. No): A12169
Mrs. K. Shylaja is dedicated to the field of teacher education & passionate about preparing future educators to excel in diverse classroom settings with a strong commitment to continuous professional development she strives to contribute to the advancement of educational practices & policies.
- Working as Assistant Professor for Dept. of Special Education since 15 years.
- Teaching undergraduate B. Ed Courses supervising students, teachers during their field placements.
- Advising & Mentoring students in Communication & Presentation.
- Worked as Principal for Helen Keller’s School for Deaf & M.R Children for 5 years.

Mr. Kanaparthi Sridhar
Asst. Professor in Education.
D.Ed. Spl. Edn. (HI) from Mumbai University
B.Ed Spl. Edn. (MR) from Ambedkar University
M.A (Telugu) from Osmania University
RCI CRR.No: A22819
Email: [email protected]
Professional Experience:
- Working as Teacher education from 2003 to till date with Teacher Training Cource. B.Ed Spl. Edn (HI) and B.Ed SPL Edn. (MR).
- Subject handled: Foundation of education special education, study projects, Second language (Telugu), Pedagogy, CBR Programmes.
- Guidance and counseling to special children parents.
- Mentoring done for community studies project, School Experience projects.
- Attended CRE programmes and workshop in the area of special education.
- Visiting expert for Assessment of Training Institute for new and extension proposal of th B.Ed Spl. Education course.
- Conducting assessment in the field of rehabilitation of person with disabilities.

Dr. Vinitha
B.Sc. (ASLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
M.Sc. (SLP) from H.K.Institute (OU)
RCI – CRR.No: A71915
ISHA- L23084555
Professional Experience: 1.5 Yrs.
Email: [email protected]
Arpita Kandarpa is working as a Clinical Supervisor in Department of ASLP at Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the disabled children. She is specialized inassessment and treatment of speech and language disorders, likes to conduct research (Paper Presentation; Oral – 1 & Poster – 4& Pitch Presentation – 2), supervise graduate and post-graduate students in research projectsand clinics. Additionally, she is involved in community outreach and advocacy efforts related to speech therapy services in schools, primary health centres. She has anexcellent track record in academic institution; she is a gold medallist from Osmania Universityduring her undergraduate and postgraduate. She is actively engaged in teaching, administration and service to Audiology and Speech Language pathology profession since 1.5 years.

Dr. Sudheer Bhanu (Linguistic)
B.A. (Hons)Psychology from Govt College Beania,
Srinagar – Kashmir.
M.A. (Linguistics) -Osmania University.
M.Phil ( ) – Osmania University.
PhD ( ) – Osmania University.
Teaching Experience: 28 Yrs.
Email: [email protected] /
To He started his career as a Research Fellow at Indo-Japanese Project . He later taught Linguistics and languages pathology at M.S University, Baroda (Gurajat). A.Y.J.N.I.H.H (Secundrabad), University of Hyderabad. And Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Since 2022, He is teaching in Helen Keller’s Institute of speech and Hearing. He also had earlier stints in Helen Keller’s institute o(2003-2004-,2015-2017).
His research interests are in the field of language pathology and child language. He has published 16 paper in these areas. He also works in the clinical work in help child center for learning difficulties in the evenings. He is a associate life member of Indian Speech and Hearing Association. He is an avid Trekker and Rock climber, being associated with society to save Rocks, Hyderabad, At present he teaches B.ASLP and MASLP in the Institute

MS.Bhavani Beesaboina
Assistant Professor Department of Statistics
B.Sc. (MScs) from Government Degree College For
Women, Begumpet (OU)
M.Sc (Applied Statistics) from Hindi Mahavidyalaya
Professional Experience: 1Yr 6 months.
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Bhavani holds the position of Assistant Professor at Helen Keller Institution, where she specializes in Research Methods, Statistics, Epidemiology, and Research Methodology. As a guest faculty member, she imparts her knowledge and expertise in these areas. Additionally, she has received training in data science from Data Kaizen Institution and has successfully completed four data science projects.
In addition to her role at Helen Keller Institution, Ms. Bhavani also serves as a guest faculty member at Hindi Mahavidyalaya, specifically supporting students in the Statistics department and assisting them in their academic projects. Furthermore, she contributes to the Commerce department at Andhra Mahila Sabha Arts & Science College for Women as a guest faculty member.
Moreover, Ms. Bhavani is involved in teaching Tableau, Power BI, and R Programming Language as a guest faculty member at Arora Business School. Concurrently, she holds a part-time position as an Assistant Professor in the Statistics department at DR.BR Ambedkar Degree College. Throughout her tenure in various academic institutions, she has maintained an outstanding track record and remains actively engaged in teaching.

Ms. Pushparani (Psychology)
B.A. Applied Psychology
M.A. Applied Psychology
She has a very good experience in Assessment and Treatment of children with Behavior, Cognitive & Emotional Problems.
Her special interest is in children with Neuro developmental conditions in Early Intervention and Early Childhood (0-6 yrs) Assessment & Rehabilitation.
She also has a very good experience in treatment of adult psychological conditions like Anxiety, Depression OCD etc with an a special focus on CBT technique.
She has a good track record in academic institutions, actively engaged in Teaching & Training programmers in delivering lectures.
She has participated in workshops, seminars and conferences & CRE programmes shared her knowledge.

B.A. Applied Psychology
M.A. Applied Psychology
She has a very good experience in Assessment and Treatment of children with Behavior, Cognitive & Emotional Problems.
Her special interest is in children with Neuro developmental conditions in Early Intervention and Early Childhood (0-6 yrs) Assessment & Rehabilitation.
She also has a very good experience in treatment of adult psychological conditions like Anxiety, Depression OCD etc with an a special focus on CBT technique.
She has a good track record in academic institutions, actively engaged in Teaching & Training programmers in delivering lectures.
She has participated in workshops, seminars and conferences & CRE programmes shared her knowledge.

Ms. Alapati Keerthi Prasanna
Guest Faculty for Dysphagia
Fellowship in Onco-Deglutology
Certified Tobacco Cessation Specialist from Gujarat University
Certified Vital stim Specialist
RCI CRR No: A61087
Professional experience: 3 years
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Alapati. Keerthi Prasanna is a distinguished expert in the field of dysphagia, specializing in assessment and management for neurology and oncology patients in swallowing. She has been teaching Dysphagia for the past 3 years, sharing her extensive knowledge with students and professionals alike.
She has delivered three oral presentations and two poster presentations, earning the Best Oral Presentation award at the APASLPA state conference. A sought-after speaker, she has been invited to national conferences and has conducted numerous workshops and webinars. Currently, she serves as a Consultant Onco-Deglutologist at Apollo Hospital and Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital in Visakhapatnam. She is an active member of SLPQuest and APASLPA, contributing significantly to the advancement of her field.

Dr. M. P. Ravanan
Visiting Faculty, Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the disabled children.
B.Sc. (Speech and Hearing) from AIISH, Mysore (1988-91)
M.Sc. (Speech and Hearing) from AIISH, Mysore (1991-93)
Ph.D. (Speech and Hearing) from AIISH, Mysore (Under AIISH research fellowship,
RCI Reg. No: A 04074 issued on 24 Aug, 2002
ISHA Life Member No: L – 754 issued on 3.12.2002
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 9443804102
Member and Charter Hon. Sec 2010-12 of Tamil Nadu branch of Indian Speech and Hearing Association.
President of Tamil Nadu branch of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2013-15.
Served as Executive Member for the Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 2004-05.
Selected by Rotary clubs International and Visited Utah state (USA) as a GSE Team
Member from district 3210 and visited District 5420 for 60 days during May-July, 2008.
Position: Visiting Faculty, Helen Keller’s Institute of Research and Rehabilitation
for the disabled children.
Professional Experience: 31 years
Publication in indexed journals: 15
Guide for Ph.D.(Speech and Hearing):
2 students awarded with Ph.D., 1 student co-guided for Ph.D. (Edu), 2 students
submitted thesis and waiting for viva
Have been serving in the field of Speech and Hearing for the past 31 years as a
teacher, clinician. Actively involved in various social activities, projects (both state and
central government).
She has delivered three oral presentations and two poster presentations, earning the Best Oral Presentation award at the APASLPA state conference. A sought-after speaker, she has been invited to national conferences and has conducted numerous workshops and webinars. Currently, she serves as a Consultant Onco-Deglutologist at Apollo Hospital and Mahatma Gandhi Cancer Hospital in Visakhapatnam. She is an active member of SLPQuest and APASLPA, contributing significantly to the advancement of her field.
Syed Ghouse Uddin
- B.A Computers Admin

Bandla Lenin Babu
- Vice-Principal
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

- M.Sc (ASLP) Asst Professor in Audiology

B Madhu Kumar
- M.Com, D.Ed. (HI) H.P.T. B.Ed. (HI) Principal
- John Peter Memotial Junior College For The Deaf

M. Shasidhar Reddy
- M.Ed. Spl. Ed. (HI), M.A. (Eng.), PGPD (MR), (Ph.D.)
Principal - Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation (Spl B.Ed)

- M.Sc (Audiology) Clinical supervisor (Audiology)

- MBA Finance (O.U)
- Admin Pro

Mohd. Abdul Razzaq
- B.ASLP, M.ASLP (S.A.R.S) PG Diploma in Applied Linguistics (O.U)
- Clinical Supervisor(Audio)/ Associate Professor

- B.ASLP, M.ASLP (Mangalore).
- H.O.D of Speech Language Pathology.
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Dr. Sreevidya
- B.SLH (Manipal), M.ASLP (O.U), Ph.D (Annamalai University)
- H.O.D of Audiology
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation

Gade Bala Gouthami
Clinical Supervisor (Audiology)

K Arpita
- Clinical Supervisor (SLP)
- Helen Keller’s Institute of Research & Rehabilitation